
Showing posts from October, 2017

A Beautiful Life

Each of our lives has the potential to be a beautiful poem of praise for our Creator, a unique tapestry that blesses His heart and others. Today's post highlights the life of one such person, whose 101st birthday is today. Thank you, Eva Bossenberger! May it touch your heart as it has mine.

Two Mirrors

“Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,” Jude 24 I looked in the mirror and what did I see? A failure’s reflection staring at me: Someone who never can get it all done, Who seems like she’s failed each time she’s begun, Someone who’s ugly – not pretty and sweet, Who struggles to be all she knows she should be, Someone who’s been saved for quite a long time, Still fumbling the ball when it’s her time to shine. I looked in God’s mirror and what did I see? What did His Word have to say about me? It said that He loves me and died in my place. It said He can daily replace faults with grace. It said He gives courage to try once again. It said He has put His own image within. It said He has promised I’ll be sanctified. He Who knows me takes joy; I will stand purified.  So today it’s my choice which mirror to see, Which thoughts to believe; will I choo