
Showing posts from February, 2018

John 1 - Inextinguishable Light

John 1:5 – “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend [take over] it.” [see also Ephesians 5:8] This world can be a scary place, For evil often shows its face. Entangled in the human race, All souls are born in its embrace. Yet One’s above sin’s rancorous strife; It’s Jesus the Word of eternity. Creator of all, the Author of Life, And His Life is Light for you and me. Nothing has ever nor ever shall Extinguish His Light within my soul. I cannot escape it, and love to embrace it, Its grace and truth have made me whole. I face then today with His life as my light; No matter what happens I fear not the night. Nothing can conquer what God calls His own; As a child of His light I journey toward Home.