
Showing posts from August, 2020


Psalm 127:5 - "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD..."  Peter Joseph Sterling Hall: An eight year old who’s bouncy as a ball. He’s on the move from day to night, With creative adventures always in sight.   He’s a builder at heart, loving legos and wood. At stunts on the trampoline he’s also good. Lizards, computers, planes, running and more - This kid’s got talent and interests galore.   He has a gift for patiently teaching Someone how to do a new thing. And, speaking of gifts, he’s a giver for sure. He also really loves God; his heart is pure.   His favorite verse is Philippians 4:13, And all he will do remains to be seen! Once a tiny nuzzle bundle, you're growing up strong. You make us happy to with you belong!