
Showing posts from September, 2020


  Psalm 127:5 - "Behold, children are a heritage from the  Lord …”   Kittens, flowers, ladybugs, sparkles, hearts, Baking for Daddy Father’s Day cherry tarts, Pink fancy dresses – these things make her smile, Bethany Hope Kiersten, our princess with style.   I dare not leave out Baby Heartlie, her doll; Deep is a mama’s love, though she’s small. And something else God has put in her soul Is the gift of singing, with a voice beautiful.   A bright kindergartener, she’s eager to learn, Discovering new things at every turn. Words in other languages she’s curious to know, And it’s great to watch her walk with God grow.   May God’s gift of hope always be hers, As she was His gift to us in our tears. We’ll always love you, our sweet Bethany, Through this life and all of eternity!