
Showing posts from October, 2020


Psalm 127:5 - "Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD..." In fancy dresses she circles and twirls, Our three year old Filly with beautiful curls. A princess who loves purple and puzzles, Coloring books, cuties, ladybugs, snuggles.   She can play by herself, having dollhouse adventures. When I’m cooking or planting, eager services she renders. She’s just learned to swing, pumping legs “out, under.” Her faith is growing as about God she ponders.   Like her little stuffed birds, she sings Jesus’ praise, Making up songs as she goes through her days. Intelligent, intense, imaginative, endearing – What joy to all of our lives she does bring!   Felicity Marie Eliora Hall, We’ve yet to see how He’ll guide you and call. Always remember that “My God Is Light,” And His smile will keep your own heart bright.