His Hand in Mine: My Testimony

"...Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto Me, and drink. ...And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely." (John 7:37, Rev. 22:17)

What has God saved you from?

My answer to that question is more than you might think, considering I became a Christian at four years of age. When I reflect on the natural progression that my thoughts and actions would have followed had not God intervened in my life at a young age, I have no doubt that I would not even be alive today were it not for Jesus.

So what did He do that rescued me from a course of despair? I'm glad you asked 😀, because the answer is one that can be yours as well.

His work in my life began before I was born, with the gift of Godly parents. They prayed for me and told me about Jesus before I could even speak, and this foundation resulted in my comprehending the truth of the gospel on July 18, 1984.

That Wednesday afternoon, my mom was explaining salvation to me, and I made a joke about something. She responded kindly: "MaryBeth, this is serious. We can talk about something else if you want to, but if you want to keep talking about Jesus dying for your sins, you need to pay attention." At that instant, the Holy Spirit pricked my heart, and I knew that I needed and wanted to trust Jesus as my Savior. I believed, and I prayed, and He entered my life to forever change it and my eternal destiny.

My parents also instilled in their children the vital importance of a daily walk with God. He is genuinely interested in every detail that concerns us, and His Word, the Bible, has the answers for all of life's challenges. My dad emphasized that we must believe the Truth because we are personally convinced of it, not merely because of our parents or pastor.

God's continued work in my life has been one of grace and faithfulness. He has saved me from my self and my sin. He has enabled me to have a small part in His work around the world. The poems on this blog are part of my response to His work in me through the years. I hope when you read them, you will be drawn just a little closer to our great Lord.

If He is not yet your Savior, you can change that right now! Please email me at targetedglobalprayer@gmail.com with any questions you have about how to become a Christian. Jesus is everything, and He offers Himself freely to you. Come!

-MaryBeth Hall