The Greatest Gift Ever

I'm honored to post this week's poem by a guest author and true friend, my brother Jonathan Boley.

Twas the night before Christmas
And I couldn't sleep,
I kept counting the presents
That I'd get to keep.
There were gifts of all sizes;...
What could they all be?
I couldn't stop thinking
Bout these gifts meant for me.

But then my mind wandered
To a far distant land
Where the Son of God lived
And dwelt among man.
I pictured the babe
That first Christmas Day;
The greatest gift ever
Was lying in hay.

My journey continued
To a hillside forlorn
The babe, now grown,
Was beaten and torn.
And up on the hillside
Hanging on that old tree
The greatest gift ever
Was dying...for me.

Twas for me that He came
And dwelt among men.
Twas for me that He died
To pay for my sin.
For me and for you,
God gave His own son,
Through the greatest gift ever
Our freedom was won.

With this in my mind
I realized with shame
I'd forgotten the One
Whose name I do claim.
We all get so busy
Spreading holiday cheer
We're quick to forget
The reason we're here.

As you open your presents
In the morning daylight
Please remember the One
Who took up our plight.
He's the greatest gift ever;
It's for Him that I write,
"Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night!"