Out of Many Waters

“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Gal. 6:2
(see also Psalm 18:16-19)

The ice was thin that winter day,
And the lad fell in as he was at play.
Dark, cold water pulled him under;
"Would he make it out?" his mind did wonder.

He tried to fight, but strength was soon gone -
His body numb, he struggled all alone.
What had started out a happy day
Now seemed a million miles away.

Surviving became his greatest goal;
Seconds seemed millennia, and he felt old.
For still the water with it's relentless pull
Made him feel like he'd been played for a fool.

Then thoughts came that he should just let go:
"Why try anymore when you are so low?
You can't hold on forever, you know.
Give up, slip away, heaven's better anyway."

But deep inside he knew what was real,
And he cried out for help in a desperate appeal.
And God answered: "He sent from above,...
He took him out of many waters" by His love.

God drew him out when there seemed no way
That he would ever face another day.
Christ’s hand is never shortened that it can't save
From fiery trial or stormy wave.

And friends formed a chain to help him reach shore;
They did what they could and wished it were more.
So they tugged and pulled and prayed him in;
That brother they loved, they'd not leave him.

By now it's pretty obvious
What my point really is:
We love you, _____________, and are standing with you
Until this terrible ordeal is through.

And most of all, God is your Rock.
In Him your life can safely dock
And be secure when storms assail;
For be assured, His own prevail.

He promised never to leave or forsake,
In arms of love He'll gently take
All who come for refuge seeking.
He shelters them in strong safe-keeping.

He'll hold you when you can't hold on
When life has taken your joy and song.
And night is not, as it seems, forever;
So keep trusting Him by faith, my brother.