
Showing posts from May, 2016


“Her children arise up, and call her blessed…” – Prov. 31:28 I stepped outside the eighth of May To cut some flowers for Mothers’ Day, But stopped on steps and looked about For morning did its message shout. The secrets of the clear bright dawn Sang out to me a mother’s song, And truths that I saw pictured there I now write down with you to share. As newly risen sun did shine On all its pale orange rays did find, I thought of tender smiles I’ve seen From my mom, that gave light to me. I heard the varied songs of birds Who praise their Maker without words. My mom’s sweet songs still fill my heart For she often sang as she moved about. I saw the trees stand tall and straight. I’ve seen them stay the same; it’s great To know my mom still steady is Through all life’s changes of that and this. I felt the gentle breeze of spring The refreshing coolness that it brings, Li