Easter and the Pale Blue Dot

On July 19, 2013, NASA spacecraft Cassini photographed Earth from 900 million miles away (near Saturn). The resulting picture was reminiscent of one taken on Valentine’s Day, 1990, from the edge of the solar system, where Earth was seen as a mere blue speck caught in a beam of light.
Follow the link to view the 2013 picture. 

“Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the Lord:…”  Psalm 118:26
“But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8

Earth is a pale blue dot we call “home,”
And has been the backdrop of all we’ve known.
Rocky mountains, rugged coasts,
Sand, and ice are things Earth boasts.

Questions and journeys have made up our days,
 As ‘round the sun spins our blue dot through space.
Struggles of nations and billions of souls
Litter history’s attempts to fill God-shaped holes.

Two thousand years ago the drama climaxed
When God Who’d made us surpassed all we could ask.
He strode through His universe into that blue dot.
The Word became flesh; an impossible thought!

The Prince of Creation and Lord of all Light,
The Infinite now combined with finite.
He lived here, that God-Man, for thirty-three years;
He tasted our joys and experienced our tears.

And then Easter week, He laid down His life,
To offer redemption from sin’s deadly strife.
Heaven’s grand audience all caught their breath,
As we condemned our own Savior to merciless death.

But He could not be held in death’s dismal chains,
And on Easter morning victorious strains
Of Resurrection’s triumph broke through darkest night.
He’d come and He’d conquered all of sin’s might!

Since death couldn’t hold Him, it surely can’t us;
He offers salvation to all who will trust
In what their Creator has done to redeem.
Because of His love, our hearts join His theme!

We stand amazed at the contrast so great
Of omnipotent God Who loved when we’d hate,
Who never left us and our tiny blue ball,
Who rescued us when we were puny and small.

And one day He’ll come back to reign here as King
His servants we’ll be as His praises we sing.
And even the plants and animals will know
The blue dot’s restoration to His glories show.

Rejoice then in Jesus, your Savior, this week!
His love need not ever seem as hide-and-seek.
His ear is bent low to hear your heart’s prayer;
His eye is upon you, and shall always be there.