
Showing posts from August, 2017

Kisses from Heaven

For You, O Lord , will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield. (Ps. 5:12) Surely Your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life… (Ps. 23:6) “Kisses from heaven upon your brow”* God shows His love in gentle ways! They're little reminders for here and now Of how much He cares, and His unending grace.   A drink when you're thirsty, Good sleep when you're weary, Bright smiles from a child, Kind words from a friend, Time to finish a chore When deadlines crowd close, A good deal from the store On what you "needed" the most, A sweet haunting melody That tugs at your soul, Or just the right Scripture To make your heart whole,   The beauty of sunrise With it's breathtaking skies, Or mountains or trees; For us he made all of these!   Unexpected blessings Are His way of caressing Our souls in this pilgrimage Of being transformed to His imag

Victory for Daily Life

Psalm 119:9-16   Folks often speak of God's love given, And how He saves our souls; But salvation doesn't start with heaven: Here and now He saves our lives. He saves us from sin's misery; His power can prevail To give us daily victory When temptations do assail. Bad habits and old ways of life He promised He can change. He can free us from internal strife; His grace offers exchange. So how do we break free for good From all that holds us back? How do we obey as we should And conquer sin's attack? I only know what God's Word says On how to cleanse our way. And so it's more than just a guess, This pathway to success. We first must take heed to His Word: To steer our thoughts toward Him, Above all else to make Him Lord, Our hearts' desire, not just a whim. We seek Him daily and implore His grace to keep us close. We put His Word within the core Of who we are; it hel