Victory for Daily Life

Psalm 119:9-16

 Folks often speak of God's love given,
And how He saves our souls;
But salvation doesn't start with heaven:
Here and now He saves our lives.

He saves us from sin's misery;
His power can prevail
To give us daily victory
When temptations do assail.

Bad habits and old ways of life
He promised He can change.
He can free us from internal strife;
His grace offers exchange.

So how do we break free for good
From all that holds us back?
How do we obey as we should
And conquer sin's attack?

I only know what God's Word says
On how to cleanse our way.
And so it's more than just a guess,
This pathway to success.

We first must take heed to His Word:
To steer our thoughts toward Him,
Above all else to make Him Lord,
Our hearts' desire, not just a whim.

We seek Him daily and implore
His grace to keep us close.
We put His Word within the core
Of who we are; it helps the most.

We bless Him as we learn from Him;
We talk of Him our joy.
His precepts are a synonym
For thoughts our minds employ.

Our minds do guide our actions,
And He must guide our minds.
He renews us one thought at a time
To make us more like Him in kind.

So for this day I choose His Word
As light to give me life,
The holiness of His great Sword
To free me from sin's strife.

I beg the One Who lives within
To give me victory,
His high calling I seek to win
For love of Him Who died for me.

He gave up His desires for me
How can I then do less?
I'll meditate on His glory
As toward my God I press.

From thought to thought and day to day
His Word will cleanse my soul
And one day I'll look back and say,
"His grace has made me whole!"