
Showing posts from April, 2018

John 4 - The Search

John 4:23 – “…the Father se eketh such to worship Him.” How should I worship You, High Holy One? What things would please You; what words from my tongue? What actions, what music, what th oughts in my heart? What gifts could I possibly to You impart? How could You ever take pleasure in me, Whose pride and defiance sent You to the tree? “Jesus has answered this,” He patiently said. So I opened His Word, and therein I read: “…worship the Father in spirit and truth.” He seeks for this “must;” it’s worship’s real proof. ‘Spirit’ refers to my heart’s attitude; ‘Truth’ lines up with all that His Word calls good. When I come to worship You, High Holy One, My heart must be awed by the Light of Your Son, And my worship must also be true to the Bible. These two are essentially, undoubtedly vital. To have only awe is a ship without moorings, Yet truth without love is as colorless mornings. Then end here Your search, Oh, Father, I pray, Find