Jordan Grace

For Jamie and Judith 
"Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort." 
(2 Corinthians 1:3)

Jordan Grace

“…Let the little children come to Me…” (Luke 18:16)

“Jordan Grace, with the beautiful face,”
Was our special rhyme-song of love
For the daughter we held in love’s embrace,
‘Til called Home by our Father above.

Almost three months your sunshine was here,
Brightening all of our days.
Your brothers hovered protectingly near,
In love with your sweet baby ways.

And now…now…it’s so very hard –
This soul-wrenching moment we’re in –
To let go in faith is what is required,
So we trust in Him Who’s always been.

The I AM of all knew each of your days,
And knows all that is yet to be.
Our sweet little girl on His face does gaze,
In the Sonshine of eternity.

“Jordan Grace, with the beautiful face,”
Our hearts will always echo.
What love has claimed, time cannot erase,
And God is yet good; this we know.