
Showing posts from January, 2019

John 17 - He Prayed for Me

“I pray for those who will believe in Me… You have loved them as You have loved Me.” (John 17:20,23)     The Passover was finished, the first Communion given, He had washed their feet, they had sung a hymn; Jesus and His disciples left the upper room. Before their return would come the cross and empty tomb. Wrapping their cloaks about them as the night grew chilly, They made their way over terrain rough and hilly. They left Jerusalem in its noise and festivity, Traveling to Gethsemane rather reflectively.   Perhaps they passed a vineyard as Jesus spoke John 15. They trudged along as He talked of hardship, yet victory, in John 16. And then He stopped, lifted up His eyes to heaven, and prayed. Eternity caught its breath at the beauty of such love displayed. He prayed for me. Glory, purity, unity: They flow through His words more brilliantly Than the Northern Lights could ever be. Yet what sparkling diamond captures my awe chiefly? He prayed