
Showing posts from April, 2019

John 18 - He Went Knowing All

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward…” – John 18:4 After Gethsemane’s prayer of surrender, Jesus walked forth to meet His betrayer, Knowing all that would occur: Upon His holiness every rancorous slur, Upon His body every hatred hurled, And the worst, His Father’s wrath unfurled. Yet He went forth. He knew, too, what would happen as time progressed: Some would never choose to place in Him their trust. Some would, in His name, commit deeds unjust. And among even those who would love Him best, Failures would surface in temptations and tests. Sin runs deep, and in this world won’t rest. Yet He went forth. With calm authority He met every foe. He stuck to His duty when He wanted to go. He protected disciples, as He does all His own. He had nothing to hide, for His words’ truth was known. He knew that eternity was His kingdom’s throne, And from Calvary would come His victory alone. And He still goes fo