John 19 - Look and Live

“...Behold the Man!”
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness,
Even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
That whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.”
(John 19:5, 3:14-15)
Jesus said it would come to pass,
His suffering and death on Calvary’s cross.
He planned it all out from the world’s very start;
‘Twas the only way possible to cleanse fallen hearts.
He chose how it would be, and what He would do,
And all of the details He already knew.
He wanted the world His death to behold,
To witness the plan of redemption unfold.
So I come to the cross, knowing not what to say
In response to what justice and love did that day.
Isaiah speaks well: it was my sin He bore,
My griefs that He carried, my stripes His flesh tore.
And when I beheld Him, and His Truth believed,
My sin was forgiven, and pardon received.
He stands today the victorious Lord,
Risen from death, as promised His Word.
Each man, woman, boy, and girl must then choose
To accept His free offer, or His grace refuse.
We must own that our sin was what put Him there;
We knowingly walked into rebellion’s snare.
We must humble ourselves, for we need the I AM,
Who breathtakingly took on our sins as God’s Lamb.
 So looking brings living as God means it to be,
For He then lives in us for eternity.