35 Years

“On Wednesday, July 18, 1984, MaryBeth gave her heart to Jesus...”
-written on the inside cover of my childhood New Testament  

35 years we’ve walked together,
Jesus and me through fair and foul weather;
35 years His hand’s held mine,
Never once letting go in rain or shine.
35 years God has been my Father,
Not just as Creator, but because He’s Redeemer.
35 years the Spirit’s lived in me,
Working to copy the Son’s image holy.
35 years His Book’s been my guide,
Illumining the Savior by my side.
35 years since as child of four,
He became my salvation forevermore.
35 years, and I’ve so much to learn:
Of keeping Him the One for Whom my soul yearns,
Of loving my Lord with all of my mind,
Of living by faith when troubles I find.
And in 35 more, what will then be?
Will I still be here, or in eternity?
I know not the answer, but of this I’m sure:
We’ll still walk together, for He’ll ever endure.
35 years…thank You, Lord, for each one,
For all that You are, and I’ve only begun
To know You and love You, my Hero and Friend,
And I joy that Your smile on me ne’er shall end.