Trusting Him

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God,
to them who are the called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28)

This poem was written August 25, 2000, after a collegiate roller skating event in which I was – again – standing alone outside the rink during the couples’ skate. Always the hopeless romantic, I would often bounce between wondering if Mr. Right would ever come, to confidently trusting God to bring him in His best time. I’m glad to say that God is worth trusting!
I do not know the future;
‘Tis vain for me to try
To understand its mysteries,
And explain the reasons why.
I thought I had it figured out,
I thought I understood;
But then – again – my plans were changed,
And still alone I stood.
For people come and people go
But one thing stays the same:
I know that Jesus loves me so,
And so I’ll bless His name.
My time of waiting may be long
Before my storybook romance;
But I know God will guide my way,
With Him there is no chance.
So help me, Lord, to walk with You,
To through this know You more,
To give You every “single” care,
And, trusting, leave them there.