John 1 - Christian Education

“Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples;
And looking upon Jesus as He walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God!
And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus.”  (John 1:35-37)

The above verses became the cornerstone for my “Philosophy of Christian Education” when I was a senior in college. Daily integration of God’s character and truth into every academic subject is vital if a paramount desire to follow Christ is to be kindled in the heart of each student.  Homeschooling provides an unparalleled opportunity for this level of discipleship, giving parents an additional 15,000 hours in the life of a child to seek to impart the mind of Christ and a love for the Lord their God, while simultaneously achieving academic excellence. (See Deuteronomy 6, Daniel 1.)

In ancient times, learning occurred
When students lived with their teacher.
Discipleship was a life observed,
Then imitated in all features.  
In the passage above,
John the Baptist was Rabbi,
Andrew and John the disciples we read of.
Their final exam was when Jesus walked by;
What would they do at this juncture?
Having lived with the Baptizer,
Seen his zeal, heard his words,
They followed the Lamb, Lord of lords.

From 8 to 3:30, each day it’s my task
To inculcate knowledge and truth.
To do this job well, Your wisdom I ask
To best reach the hearts of these youth.
I take from Your hand a brilliant palette
Of academic subjects diverse,
And with Scripture’s eternal brush that fails not,
 Your glories portray, Your wonders rehearse.
Then may my students, the dear ones I love,
Follow You for all of their days.
When they’ve finished school and requirements thereof,
The Lamb still forever capture their gaze.

In math, we see You as the true line,
Whose start or finish no one can find.
In language You are the best of Words,
And the greatest action verb ever heard.
Science shouts of You the Designer:
Minute to magnificent, Creation’s Sustainer.
History is, truly, Your story,
Redemption’s theme that brings You glory.
In art, no more beautiful painting could be,
Than sunsets and mountains all made by Thee.
 Music the language of the soul speaks well,
And Who fills our hearts like Emmanuel!

On and on the list goes, from P.E. to Bible;
Everything they must learn bears Your mark.
 You are the Great Teacher, Whose authority’s final,
Fill us then as we on this venture embark.
What a trust has been given –
The lives of these children!
Help me not squander the time
When young hearts are tender,
Minds bright, keen and eager.
May Your Word take deep root,
And become their pursuit,
As they flourish and for You bear fruit.