The Mourners

 "Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." Matthew 5:4

You’d have fought if you could to keep death at bay
From loved ones it’s taken away.
But powerless you stand; they’re called from your hand.
Sorrow and loss – many forms it may take.
The Fall brings an ache, relentless heartbreak.
What could have been, had not we sinned…
How can mourners be blessed?
How can they be comforted?
The key is the word “comforted” Jesus used:
Parakaleo means “to call near.”
(Verb form of the Spirit’s name Comforter:*
The promised “One Who comes alongside.”)
He bore your griefs, and your tears He cried.**
He calls you; bury your head on His shoulder,
Lean in while His arms hold you closer.
“I make all things new” is His whisper.***
*John 14
**Isaiah 53:4, John 11:33-35
***Revelation 21:3-5