Ahimaaz and Jonathan: Loyal Servants


Everyday Heroism

At the forefront of my mind the last several days has been the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Several times throughout the day, I find myself looking up the latest news to stay abreast of developments. Here and there I read snippets of stories of Ukrainian citizens stepping up to the plate in practical and heroic ways to defend their homeland. These inspiring glimpses into real individuals’ lives remind me that there are still people who believe in ideals greater than themselves, and are willing to sacrifice for those ideals.

I wrote the poem below describing another set of heroic deeds by everyday people when their national government was experiencing an attempted overthrow. May it encourage us to be faithful to our King – Jesus – Who is worthy of our highest loyalty. We never know when/if we may be called upon to do a heroic deed, but if we are faithful to Him in the little things, we will be faithful in the crisis moments.


Ahimaaz and Jonathan

“And the king’s servants said to the king, ‘We are your servants, ready to do whatever my lord the king commands.’” 2 Samuel 15:15

To read more of their story, see 2 Samuel 15:13-29, 17:15-22, 18:19-30.


His was a treacherous conspiracy well planned;

Absalom plotted to be king of the land.

In stark contrast to his name “Father of Peace,”*

Suave looks and actions were but a pretense

Designed to win hearts away from King David.

Yet there were some who the rightful king aided,

Whose loyalty was stronger than self-preservation.

Ahimaaz and Jonathan, without hesitation,

Looked danger square in the eye, then took steps forward.

We read of their tale in Scripture recorded.


Fleeing Jerusalem, David left priests** there

With instructions to send news of how events fared.

Ahimaaz and Jonathan, the priests’ sons, would stay

At the edge of town to secretly slip away.

After Absalom’s council made their battle plan,

A girl warned the young men, and their trip began.

But a boy saw them and told Absalom,

So they hid in a well in Bahurim.

The lady of that home covered the opening;

Ahimaaz and Jonathan’s hearts must have been pounding

While she talked to Absalom’s servants above them.

When the enemies were gone, they went to King David;

Because of their message, disaster was avoided.


Then let us rise up in our day without fear,

With derring-do loyalty to our King Who is near.

Whether it seems important or not,

Be faithful to stand in your God-given spot.

The priests, their sons, Hushai***, the girl,

The lady who put corn over the well –

You join in their ranks when you cannot be bought,

When in little or much, you do as you ought.



 *The literal meaning of the name Absalom

** Zadok and Abiathar

***David’s loyal counselor who attended Absalom’s strategy meeting