The Yellow Shirt Caper

           There is no joy for a Christian quite that like of Resurrection Sunday morning. Jesus wins! He defeated everything, and because He lives in us, we win, too! There is no darkness or death that can separate us from victory, and eternity with him. Hallelujah! Christ the Lord is risen today!

          The color yellow is often associated with spring and Easter. In contrast to the dreary hues of winter, spring’s bright sunshine and yellow flowers warm our hearts. According to, “In a religious context, gold represents joy, victory, and triumph, as in the resurrection's triumph over death.” For the ladies of Grace Baptist Church, yellow and Easter became connected in a unique way this year, as “The Yellow Shirt Caper” occurred.

          It all started March 27, 2022, when Jen Greve shared a video clip from Lighthouse Baptist Church in Florida. The ladies there pranked their husbands into all wearing the same shirt, so Jen wondered if we’d all like to try it at Grace. Everyone thought it would be fun, and the target date and color were set: Easter Sunday, yellow shirts. Thus, the caper commenced.

          Some wives weren’t sure if their husbands would wear yellow. Then, too, finding yellow shirts was a bit tricky. The plan was messaged, texted, and passed along by word of mouth. Amazingly, the secret remained concealed, and excitement grew as the date approached.

          Around fifty men/boys arrived at church April 17, 2022, wearing yellow shirts! There were pale yellows, bright yellows, yellow and blue plaids, yellows with stripes, short sleeved and long sleeved shirts. Some men also wore a tie, bowtie, or suit jacket. There was even a baby boy with a yellow onesie. The caper had been successful!

          Surprisingly, the men still didn’t realize what was going on, that it had all been planned. Some of them commented after the service to their wives that though they had noticed several others wearing yellow shirts, they didn’t think anything of it. One gentleman thought people were wearing yellow to show solidarity with the Ukraine. There were a lot of smiles amongst families as the ladies revealed the plot in the foyer and hallways.

          “The Yellow Shirt Caper” has an interesting parallel with a profound spiritual truth: the life of Christ lived through us can be manifested in different ways according to our different personalities and circumstances, yet the undeniably recognizable trait of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” shines forth (Col. 1:27). The men at Grace Baptist Church wore all different combinations of yellow, but there was a common point on the color spectrum at which they coincided. Likewise, I think of many people in my life through whom I have seen a glimpse of Jesus. Far from being cookie-cutter Christians, they are unique individuals of varying ages, interests, skills, and stations in life. In each of them, I have seen His flash of glory shine forth. All of them have encouraged me in one way or another, sometimes without their even realizing it. True Christians are part of the same plan with the same goal: loving our Lord with all that we are, and being transformed into His image so as to reflect His glory that others may know Him / know Him better. To quote Twila Paris, “How beautiful is the body of Christ!”

          So, as “The Yellow Shirt Caper” goes down in the books, how shall I remember it? It has definitely been a time of enjoyable comradery making a good Easter memory (two Easters ago, our church was hit by a tornado on Easter night, and we are still in the rebuilding process). Doubtless, anytime today is recalled, there will be smiles. And when I think of this Resurrection Sunday’s events, may I also grow in my desire to let Him shine through me. My husband Bill wrote today, “The resurrection is the exclamation point of history.” If that be true, and it is, then surely that vibrant exclamation point should make a difference in my thoughts, words, actions, and reactions (see Psalm 96:2).

          Hallelujah! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!