“Please, Show Me Your Glory!”: Moses’ Faith in Moses’ Words


Last spring my husband developed and taught an eight week study called “Great and Marvelous: Moses and the Nature of God.” It was “a life of Moses study focusing on the relationship between Moses and the Lord God Almighty” (Bill Hall). The idea for this poem grew from insights gleaned from taking his class. Also, this post is best viewed on a desktop (rather than a mobile device) due to the fully justified margins. 




A beautiful baby hidden in Nile’s reeds;                                                          Exodus 2:1-3

Rescued, became mighty in words and deeds.                                                    Acts 7:22

Yet pleasures and treasures and fame he would trade,

For the reproach of Christ their value outweighed.                                 Hebrews 11:24-26

He knew by his hand God would set Israel free,                                  

But the “how” of God’s plans would unfold differently

Than Moses could guess or ever have chosen.                                               Acts 7:23-30

His faith through his words is passionately woven,

Genuine and growing through decades of living.                                                  Psalm 90

Read then, my soul, his words in your wrestling,

And echo the faith of the faithful again.                                  Romans 15:4, I Cor. 10:1-13



I will now turn aside, and see…Here am I.                                                    Exodus 3:3-4

Please, show me Your glory!

Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh?                                                      Exodus 3:11

Please, show me Your glory!

What is [Your] name? What shall I say unto them?                                         Exodus 3:13

Please, show me Your glory!

Please, Lord, send deliverance by someone else’s hand.                              Exodus 4:13


The God of the Hebrews has met with us: let us go...                                      Exodus 5:3

Please, show me Your glory!

Lord, why have You caused trouble for this people?

And why did You ever send me?                                                                Exodus 5:22-23

Please, show me Your glory!

Thus saith the LORD God of the Hebrews…                                                     Exodus 10:3

Please, show me Your glory!


Remember this day…by strength of hand the LORD brought you out.          Exodus 13:3

Please, show me Your glory!

I will sing unto the LORD, for He has triumphed gloriously:…

Who is like You, O LORD, among the gods?    

Who is like You, glorious in holiness?...                                                    

The LORD shall reign forever and ever.                                                    Exodus 15:1-18

Please, show me Your glory!


Show me now Your way, that I may know You.                                            Exodus 33:13

Please, show me Your glory!

If Your Presence doesn’t go, don’t bring us up from here.                       Exodus 33:14-17

Please, show me Your glory!

PLEASE, SHOW ME YOUR GLORY!                                                          Exodus 33:18

Please, show me Your glory!

So Moses made haste, and bowed his head…and worshiped.                  Exodus 34:5-9


Now Moses was mortal and he made mistakes,                                     Numbers 20:7-12

But his yearning to know God nothing could shake.                                   Hebrews 11:27

And one day he’d stand with Jesus talking

About His soon death, Passover’s fulfilling.                                                   Luke 9:28-31

From the oldest psalm in Scripture recorded                                                       Psalm 90

To Revelation’s refrain of worship afforded,                                            Revelation 15:1-4

His songs honor the One he spoke to face to face                                     Exodus 33:9-11  

Yahweh that called him and extended His grace.                                          Exodus 33:17

Then, Lord, help me likewise to never stop seeking

To know You regardless of how things are going.                                         Matthew 7:7-8

Please, show me Your glory!