To My Father


“For the Father Himself loves* you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from the Father.” – John 16:27


The nail scarred hand holds mine                            

As we walk up to Your throne,                         

And there a smile of welcome I find                         

From You whose holiness has always shone.       

The Spirit in me echoes Scripture                   

That says You love me as Your friend.          

And there at last my searching ends.             

And there at last my searching ends.


Perfectionism’s struggles I leave undone;     

You see me as You see Your Son –              

That’s good enough for me.                            

Anxiety over future loss                                    

No more controls my thoughts;                       

You love me and You’ll never leave –            

That’s good enough for me.                            

That’s good enough for me.


Again and again we make that walk,                                 

The nail scarred Son and I,                                                 

And every time Your kind reply                                           

Is that I’m Yours and all is well.                                           

There is no joy that’s quite like this:                                   

To stand there loved by Trinity,                                          

And know that it shall always be.                                       

And know that it shall always be.


Then Father…my Father…thank You                               

For loving me the way You do,                                           

For Your Book that breathes life in my soul,                     

For Your patience in all of my wrestling,                                     

For Your Spirit and Son – ever prevailing.                        

Please let me never lose this wonder:                               

My Father phileos me!                                                                  

My Father phileos me!




*The Greek word Jesus uses for love in this verse is phileo, the warm friendship kind of love.