Brothers and Sisters

         Last year was my husband’s and my fifteenth anniversary. To celebrate, we enjoyed a rare trip away from home, to the beautiful hills of North Carolina. The first day we spent in Charlotte, helping out at the Samaritan’s Purse warehouse. Because of covid, Christmas of 2020 saw a huge increase of Operation Christmas Child shoebox donations built online (as opposed to people donating physical boxes). The warehouse was set up for volunteers to pack shoeboxes according to each donor’s specifications.

        Besides the obvious enjoyment of preparing boxes for children in restricted access countries, and the excitement of being involved in a hands-on way in reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ, there was also an unexpected take-away from the day for me. Bill and I were able to work side by side with Christians we had never met before, people who were there because they love Jesus just like we do, and want to make a difference for Him. One lady was from a small church in North Carolina a few hours away. Her ladies’ group had been volunteering for a couple days at the warehouse. She is also a seamstress, and sews items for Samaritan’s Purse to give away in third world countries. Her mom lives in Oklahoma, and does the same thing. Seeing the dedication of other believers whom I previously didn’t know even existed reminded me that, although our country as a whole has walked away from God, there are still pockets of people scattered across our land who truly love Him and live for Him. He will always have a remnant of the faithful, and He knows who they are.

        Only eternity could be long enough to get to know all of our brothers and sisters in Christ people from all times, places, and walks of life who heard the still, small voice of God, and rose up to follow Him. Until then, it is enough to know that our shared kinship in Christ unites us across all obstacles and challenges. Praise God! 

Brothers and Sisters

I Kings 19:18 – “Yet I have reserved seven thousand in Israel, all whose knees have not bowed to Baal, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”


Elijah was talking to God one day

When evil over his land held sway.

“I, I alone, am left,” he did pray,

“And they seek my life to take it away.”

The Lord replied with jobs for him to do,

Then revealed a fact that only He knew:

“Yet I have reserved seven thousand who

Haven’t bowed or kissed Baal;” He wasn’t through.


Those seven thousand, less than one percent,

Wouldn’t give in no matter how culture went.

Belief in Yahweh they did not relent;

His one sentence applauded lives well spent.

And the eyes of the Lord still run to and fro

Throughout the whole earth, His strength to show

In behalf of those who truly yearn to Him know.*

In the night He sees their faith’s steady glow.


Today once again, sin seems to be winning,

But yet there are some who like you are standing

For Jesus, His Word, and His way of living;

All steadfast allegiance our God is counting.

Pockets of people scattered here and there,

Brothers and sisters who for holiness care;

Though we know not our number, His name we share.  

Rise up then encouraged to meet the world’s dare!

* 2 Chronicles 16:9