Ages & Stages

 I John 2:12-14,17
“I write to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven you for His name’s sake…you have known the Father.”
Little children hold His hand,
Whose love, by faith, they understand;
They smile and trust that all is well,
Because they with the Shepherd dwell.
To the Father’s open arms they run;
With joy’s abandon see them come,
For full forgiveness set them free
By what Christ did at Calvary.
“I write to you, fathers, because you have known Him Who is from the beginning.”
Fathers, too, have known Him Who
Already was when all was new.
His friendship true they’ve known for years,
His presence what they hold most dear.
Their walk is steady; He sets the pace,
And they’ll rejoice to see His face.
His promises are always sure;
With settled peace, they will endure.

 “I write to you, young men, because you are strong, and the Word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the wicked one.”
Young men made strong by God’s own Word
That lives in them and is their sword.
With fortitude and zeal they fight
And conquer evil by His might.
They dare to live by what He says;
Neither toil nor pain can them dissuade,
These ones whose Captain fought and won
And gives His victory to His sons.
“…he who does the will of God abides forever.”
Father, keep me as Your little child,
Smiling back to You though storms are wild.
And as I age steadiness increase;
I’ve known my God and have His peace.
And always help me wield Your sword,
For You, not sin, shall be my Lord.
More than life, You are my greatest Treasure;
To be with You my joy forever!