His Story

 “But our God is in the heavens:
He hath done whatsoever He hath pleased.” – Psalm 115:3
Alive and quite active, my Father reigns
Over every day of every year.
No matter what happens, this truth remains:
He is the Lord; Scripture is clear.
Whether obvious or hidden,
Providence is at work;
He cannot be stopped by evil and sin.
History becomes His scribal clerk;
What may when in process seem foggy, unclear
In retrospect often is understood best.
Master of All, He stands without peer;
His children can trust Him no matter their test.
Many dismiss His authority to rule,
But hatred and scorn will do them no good.
Psalm 2 states that God will them ridicule;
The Sovereign Son reigns as He should.
This God of all history is also my Friend;
From big to small things He sees all with care.
Puzzles and mazes are all solved in Him;
His gift is the knowledge that He’s always there.