Ephesus: The Faithful Forgetters

 ­Revelation 2:1-7
Years of faithful serving
And patient laboring,
Truth affirming,
Evil hating –
Yet their light was flickering.
What threatened to their lamp extinguish?
Christ said they had their love relinquished.
Perhaps loss started undistinguished
As cynicism of experience
Stole joy, but led to rebuke’s anguish.
Christ’s words hurt, but they could heal;
He saw inside all that was real
Past duty’s persevering steel
To love that had become congealed.
He said “Remember, repent” in zeal.
Your eyes look even where I dwell:
I’ve served You long, and perhaps well,
But Father, Savior, Spirit, tell
What is inside – does love for You make my heart swell
Ardently unparalleled?
Oh, may it ever, ever be
That love for Jesus inside me
Is living, vibrant, flowing free
Back to the One Who died for me!
His love gave all at Calvary.