Smyrna: The Steadfast Sufferers

 Revelation 2:8-11

Contrasting word pictures to Smyrna were given
In the message Jesus told John should be written.
Surely His words helped them back then,
And they still extend courage as I read them again.
Jesus is the First and the Last.
My Lord is both “protos” at the very beginning,
and “eschatos” when all else has seen ending.
He was dead and is alive.
Though He once became dead because He loved me,
the Author of Life lives eternally.
He knew they were poor, but said they were rich.
He saw their hardships of poverty and testing,
yet their treasure in heaven this earth was besting.
He knew the blasphemy of those who claimed to be Jews, but were a synagogue of Satan.
Some insulted the truth of God Whose worship they feigned,
but He saw their origins; false claims won’t be sustained.
“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer.”
‘None of those things?’ Jesus, are You sure?
He is; over terror His peace shall endure.
You will have tribulation ten days.
In the moment, prison and trials might seem endless,
but God has set limits to all things horrendous.
“Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.”
Full of faith all the way – what a holy command!
After death, crown of life – what a gift from Your hand!
If you have an ear, hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
It’s possible to hear Your words without heeding;
keep them ever fresh in me, as to follow I’m seeking.
“He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.”
In all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ;*
second death cannot touch us because He paid the price.
“Smyrna” means myrrh, the city’s main export;
What it represents summarizes Christ’s comfort.
Though naturally bitter, myrrh was used for anointing;
It’s also present at Jesus’ birth and cross suffering.
In omniscient omnipotence, my Father can use
Even bad experiences I’d never choose
To show forth His image in a vessel of clay.
He does all things well, come whatever may.
 * Romans 8:37