Behind the Scenes

     In 1974, educator Erno Rubik came up with a hands-on way to teach architecture students about three dimensional spaces. Although this Hungarian professor could not have guessed it at the time, his “Magic Cube” would become one of the world’s most popular toys. Forty-nine years later, millions of Rubik’s Cubes are still sold annually (, and I would venture to say that most of us have tried to solve the colorful block puzzle at one time or another. I would also hazard a guess that most of us have never successfully completed the challenge, though I have known some children who have tried such tactics as removing and reapplying stickers on different squares, or even taking the block apart completely in an attempt to restructure it “correctly.”

     Life can be like a Rubik’s Cube, can’t it? We see hints of how to get everything lined up the way we want it to be, but sometimes, no matter how hard we work, things just don’t make sense. Enter God. He is the only One Who knows how to solve the puzzle. He is at once the director of the play and the stage hand, using “insignificant” props to coordinate the entire drama of His grace and purpose in our lives.

     That truth is easier to see in hindsight than when we are in the middle of the puzzle. One great thing about Scripture is the way the Lord has woven background details into the fabric of its stories. It’s an amazing thing to be reading along in a passage, and have the Holy Spirit lean over your shoulder, point out a word or phrase, and say, “See that!” or, “What’s that mean?”, drawing us into the story with new understanding. It’s the part of His work that we call “illumination” – turning the light on – and is one of the best things about spending time in the Word of God.

     The poem below is about a few of those examples. The New Testament tells us that the Scriptures can bring us solid comfort. Surely our God Who does not change is just as much at work in 2023 as He was in ancient times.        

A Second Look in the Rearview Mirror:
Seeing God’s Hand at Work Behind the Scenes

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.” Prov. 25:2

Our God’s always working to accomplish His plans,
But often we don’t see His Providential hand
In the details and disappointments that come;
Yet the depths of His wisdom nothing can plumb.
Let’s pick up binoculars and look back in time
To three Old Testament stories recapped in rhyme,
And notice three details jump out to proclaim,
“Have faith in your God, though His plan you can’t name.”

Genesis describes Joseph’s years that were hard,
 Enslaved to Egypt’s captain of the guard.
Later falsely accused, he landed in jail,
But, wait…chapter forty has something to tell:
Potiphar’s house is the place of the prison!
From Potiphar himself came another commission.
Though he could have been sent far off or killed,
Joseph was kept right where God willed.  

View Numbers 2 from a perspective that’s aerial
To see tribal arrangement around the Tabernacle,
And you’ll see the first cross in Scripture recorded
Detailed in significance - by God Himself worded.
Study the sketch that pictures it all;
The Lamb came to rescue those trapped by the Fall.
No one but the I AM knew all that would be;
In this beautiful way He foretold Calvary.

Fast-forward to the year 473 BC;
Read of Haman’s decree in Esther 3.
The day it was published was Passover Eve;
Imagine how Jewish hearts did grieve
All the more as they remembered the past.
Would they again be rescued from tyranny’s blast?
But yet, that holiday was a God-sent reminder:
He will keep His promises, no matter the danger.

Oh, the depth of the riches of God’s knowledge and wisdom!
Nothing that troubles us is puzzling to Him.
Nothing that weakens us depletes aught of His strength,
And He is the One Who is our life’s length.
Often in hindsight He’s most clearly seen,
So by faith we will trust as we’re in the “between”
Of Scripture’s encouragement and Heaven’s sight,
When we’ll joy in His light - God Who makes all things right.