Philadelphia: The Weak Warriors

 Revelation 3:7-13
Here You stand: eternal Conqueror,
Holy, true, key to David’s power.
What You open, none can close;
What You shut, no opening knows.
Here I kneel: strength of small measure,
Holding to Your Word my treasure.
Let ne’er my words or deeds deny
The steadfast One Who for me died.
In love You call a weak warrior,
Saying, “Look, here is an open door!”
Where is it? Right in front of me.*
What is it? Christlike influence opportunity.  
I don’t know every open door yet to be;
Help me walk through the one that I can see.
Your hand holds mine, as I echo the song,**
“They are weak, but He is strong.”


*In verse 8, the word “before” literally means “in sight of” (Greek, enopios).
**Line 4 of stanza 1, “Jesus Loves Me,” by Anna Warner.