
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Valley's Edge

  Psalm 23:4 "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me..." I stand at valley's edge tonight With loved one's hand in mine, And know that though, try as I might, To let go it is almost time. Memories of days now past Like whispers kiss my soul. Truths we lived this life outlast;  They'll see you to your goal. The Spirit, Son, and Father Will change your faith to sight, And He can never falter Who carries you to Light. At valley's edge we'll watch you go, And we will trust Him, too; You taught us how to love and know The God Who means so much to you.

Serving You

  “…Behold, let thine handmaid be a servant to wash the feet of the servants of my lord.” 1 Sam. 25:41   “…you serve the Lord Christ.” Col. 3:24   If I were here when You were here, Son of God and Son of Man, What I’d want more than anything Would be to serve You at Your hand. Little things that must be done – Unimportant in themselves – I’d try to do for love of One Whose love all else excels.   I wish I could have washed Your feet, You Who washed other men’s, Or cooked and brought You food to eat When Your day’s work was at an end. I wish I could have given You Soft pillows for Your head, Or had a home to welcome You As through the land You’d tread.   A few small comforts – not a lot To give the King of Kings; But as I’d work, You’d fill each thought (To know You makes joy sing!). Ointment, mending, cold water, too, I’d try to anticipate each need; Watching, listening, then I’d do Whate’er I could for my Friend indeed.   But…I am here and that was then, Yet there is a way to serve Vi