The Hero of the Hall House

Sometimes a hero doesn’t wear a cape.
            He dresses in business casual and goes to work day in and day out to provide for his family.
            He habitually does the dishes after supper so his wife can care for her mom’s medical needs.
            He cleans up his kid’s throw-up in the middle of the night without complaining.
            He says two words at the start of a secular business lunch: “Let’s pray,” and then does so in Jesus’ name.
Sometimes a hero doesn’t have a flashy logo to let everyone know who he is.
            However, when coworkers, family, or restaurant servers make mistakes, he doesn’t belittle or berate them.
            He makes short-term decisions that support his long-term goals.
            He patiently spends a lot of time listening and talking with his wife and children, and exhibits Biblical wisdom in helping them grow.
            He doesn’t push himself to the forefront of others’ attention in self-aggrandizement, but rather assumes the role of encourager.
Sometimes a hero doesn’t zoom in dramatically to save the day.
            That’s because he is already there, making the day steadier and safer for those around him.
            He is faithful to whatever opportunities are before him, even if they differ from what he might have imagined.
            He doesn’t have to have public accolades to be who he is.
            Respect, responsibility, reasonableness, and kindness are hallmarks of his life.
This is the man I married.
            To my Father: I am forever grateful You gave him to me; thank You.
            To Billys: I hope that I can be the helpmeet you so deserve. Happy Valentine’s Day to the one my soul loves.
            To my children: What a dad you have! He is truly the “Hero of the Hall House” for all of us.
            To anyone else reading this: I pray you have the blessing of similar “everyday heroes” in your life. May we all exhibit these character qualities.    

“For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.” – II Cor. 4:5 (Bill’s favorite verse)