
"...I am with you always..." (Matt. 28:20)

By my bed You sit with me

To talk at night once more

And my heart stirs at what faith sees -

Kindness in Your eyes, my Lord.

You always look at me with love,

As does Your Father, too.

It makes me want to know more of

My holy God - all that is You.

This year's Easter week is here,

And with it comes reflection

On Scripture's canvas painted clear;

The Lamb is my salvation.

Submission to the Father's will

Had never been so costly;

Strength met sorrow when You kneeled

'Neath olive trees surrenderingly.

I wish I could've done something

To help You way back then!

Instead it was my own causing;

You died for all my sin.

Still today You're strong for me;

Your gracious hands reach out

To meet all needs so patiently.

You'll never cast me out.

At such a love my soul is stirred

To love You back, my King;

For when the Shepherd's voice is heard,

All else is naught esteemed.

Father, please send back Your Son!

I long to be with You,

To see You, blessed Three-in-One,

In awe the ages through.

And in the meantime while I wait,

Though oh-so-very-weak,

You carry me, the Oh-so-Great,

Whose favor's never hide-and-seek.

So ends the day just as it started -

In fellowship together;

Your pledge that we shall not be parted - 

My greatest joy forever.