Psalm 34

Psalm 34 has always been one of my favorite psalms. The verses in it are helpful along the ups and downs (particularly the downs) of life. In January, I started studying this psalm with a fine toothed comb – never more than a verse a day – looking up the Hebrew definitions of every word, and trying to understand the nuances of the Hebrew verb structures used. Not wanting to forget the rich word pictures and jewels of truth I was discovering, I decided to make my own paraphrase type of translation. Several times since then, I have gone back to reread the chapter, encouraged by what David penned after a rocky time in his own life. Our God never changes, and as He delivered David, He will deliver us. I hope the truths below are a blessing to you as well!

Psalm 34

A Psalm of David, when he changed his behavior before Abimelech; who drove him away, and he departed (see I Sam. 21:10-15).


I will kneel before Yahweh to adore Him at all times; His song of praise shall continually be in my mouth.


The core of who I am will boast in (shine in a flash of light toward) Yahweh; those bowed down by affliction will hear and brighten up.


Oh intentionally magnify Yahweh with me, and let us lift up His name together!


I frequently beat a path in seeking Yahweh, and He answered me, and snatched me away from the storehouse of all my fears.


They looked unto Him; His light reflecting on them was like the sparkling sheen of sunlight on a flowing stream, and their faces were not ashamed.


This afflicted man cried out, and Yahweh heard him and intentionally saved him out of all his distresses (the tight places where he felt crowded in by his adversaries and therefore under emotional duress).


The Messenger of Yahweh (Jesus) sets up His military camp in a circle around those who deeply revere Him and defer to His right to govern their lives, and is intentionally in the process of arming / equipping them for successful war.


Good it is, and see - Oh taste it for yourself - how blessed is the warrior who will seek refuge in Him!


Yahweh: O deeply revere Him and defer to His authority, you His set apart ones, for there is no poverty to those who deeply revere and defer to Him.


Even the young lions are impoverished and famished, but those who frequently resort to Yahweh shall not lack anything good.


Listen to me, children, and come; I will teach you how to deeply revere and defer to the authority of Yahweh.


What man desires life, and loves many days, that he may see good?


Guard your tongue from evil, and your lips from speaking deceit.


Turn aside from evil, and do good; ask for peace, and chase after it.


Yahweh's eyes are upon the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry for help.


Against those who do evil is the face of Yahweh, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.


To Yahweh the righteous call out, and He hears them. He has caused them to be snatched away out of all their distresses.


Yahweh is right by those who have continually been made brokenhearted, and He is causing the crushed in spirit to be saved.


Yahweh is causing the righteous to be snatched away from great evil.


He is guarding all His bones; not one of them has been broken. (Jesus, Jn. 19:36)


Evil will intentionally kill the ones who do evil, and those who are hating the righteous will be held guilty.


Yahweh is redeeming the soul of His servants, and none of the ones who are seeking refuge in Him will be held guilty.