Morning Prayer

 But He [Jesus] answered and said, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.' " (Matt. 4:4)

O God, please talk to me!

As to Your Word I turn,

Say what You will, only clearly;

To hear Your voice I yearn.

This time with You my lifeline is;

I cannot start the day

Without the bread that Your voice is -

So talk to me, I pray.

Challenge, comfort, or correct -

Whatever You deem best.

My heart kneels now in deep respect,

Faith in Your words shall rest.

Your presence and Your Book - true gifts

Your Spirit melds together.

O let my gaze from You not drift -

From Trinity, my God forever.

O God, please talk to me!

As to Your Word I turn,

Say what You will, only clearly;

To hear Your voice I yearn.