
"And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us..." 1 John 4:16

All I need I find in You
Because You love me I love You
Captain of my salvation
Deliverer of my soul from sin
Emmanuel - God with me
Friend Who listens tenderly
God Almighty, Sovereign Prince
Hero always my defense
Into my heart forever to stay
Jesus walks with me today
King Who has been kind to me
Lord of creation's history
Magnificent authority
Never changing eternally
Open arms to all who come
Perfect holiness is this Son
Quickening Word within my heart
Redeemer, Leader, Love Thou art
Shepherd Who gives strong embrace
True way to heaven, the Father's place
Under girding anchor though waves roll
Vine Who brings life to my soul
Warring Lion, wounded Lamb
Xtolled forever, the great I AM
Yes, You are my Jesus Christ!
Zenith of Light, my Paradise