Jesus Comes to Help

“Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love Me, he will keep My words:
and My Father will love him, and We will come unto him,
and make Our abode with him.” John 14:23

When Jesus came to visit me, I needed it so much.
I was so desperate for His help; I had to have His touch.
He came this morning as I woke, and said He’d spend the day;
He said He’d stay right by my side, and direct my every way.

His eyes looked deep into my own with strength to steady me.
I needed His kind leadership if I’d untangled be
From all the mess that I’d let build in house and mind alike.
His smile brought hope that His great wisdom would set it all aright.

I wondered if He had the time, or if I ought to even ask
The great King of the universe to bother with my task.
He assured me of His love and that, because of omnipresence,
He did indeed have all the time to with me take up residence.

I tried then to remember to abide in Him all day,
For Jesus has the answer for each step along the way.
We made progress in cleaning up, and even better still,
Was peace He put inside of me: His love made my heart thrill.

I’m looking forward to tomorrow; my Lord is wonderful!
I want to spend the day with Him, and drink again my fill
Of love He gives without restraint, of grace and mercy free.
With my heart kneeling before Him, I will live abundantly.