
Showing posts from September, 2015

One Day The Trumpet Will Sound

"...I will come again..." John 14:3 One day the trumpet will sound,* And the Lord will call us home; Our loved ones He will gather To be with Him forever. One day the trumpet will sound, And our life here will be done. The righteous will shine in the kingdom Of their Father as bright as the sun. One day the trumpet will sound, And death for us will die. We'll have complete victory in Jesus, As we rise to Him in the sky. One day the trumpet will sound, And our faith will ever be sight When we bow to our blessed Savior, He Who called us from darkness to light. One day the trumpet will sound, So I do not say final good byes, But only, "Until then, I'll miss you," To those for whom my heart cries. One day the trumpet will sound, It's as sure as the God that I love, For He's given His oath to return And bring us to His home above. One day the trumpet will sound: It's an anchor when in

My Life to Give

"...present your bodies a living sacrifice..." - Rom. 12:1   There's a job to do, There's a race to run, There's a fight to wage, And it has begun. There's a God to know, To trust and love, To serve until He calls me above.   There's a time for courage, For sacrifice, To accomplish His goals, To pay the price.   There's a husband to love And children to train, And it's my life to give For the glory of His name.


"La Cena" is Spanish for the Lord's Supper. It was in Peru that I first had the opportunity to set out the grape juice and unleavened bread in preparation for the ordinance, and it was an honor. The church setting there was not unlike a first century church might have been. (Note that the Bible clearly teaches that the juice and bread are not the actual blood and body of Christ, merely poignant reminders of His atoning sacrifice for us. John 6:53-63) To "La Cena" - Your Table - You beckon me to come; So with a heart of holy awe I heed Your gracious call.   I come to gaze upon You, Lord, Grand Host with outstretched arms; I come to feast upon Your Word, To know You more, Christ I adore. I listen as You speak my name And say, "This is for you." You break the bread and pour the cup - Pictures of Your life offered up. You want me to "Remember You," And that I long to do, For You have made my life comp

The Master Speaks

"Follow Me," the Master said To men in Galilee; And yet the words of long ago Speak from the page to me. "Fear not," He calmly spoke Through stormy wind and wave; And still His gentle words Compel me to be brave. "I AM," He said and says With all authority. He changes not: the First, the Last, King of eternity. Lord, help me then to go Wherever You may lead, To give You all my doubts and fears, To live what I believe.