One Day The Trumpet Will Sound

"...I will come again..." John 14:3

One day the trumpet will sound,*
And the Lord will call us home;
Our loved ones He will gather
To be with Him forever.

One day the trumpet will sound,
And our life here will be done.
The righteous will shine in the kingdom
Of their Father as bright as the sun.

One day the trumpet will sound,
And death for us will die.
We'll have complete victory in Jesus,
As we rise to Him in the sky.

One day the trumpet will sound,
And our faith will ever be sight
When we bow to our blessed Savior,
He Who called us from darkness to light.

One day the trumpet will sound,
So I do not say final good byes,
But only, "Until then, I'll miss you,"
To those for whom my heart cries.

One day the trumpet will sound,
It's as sure as the God that I love,
For He's given His oath to return
And bring us to His home above.

One day the trumpet will sound:
It's an anchor when in storms I'm tossed,
It's truth with a solid foundation, 
It's a hope that cannot be lost.

*Thanks to Uncle Mark (Ballard) for saying this phrase one night in the Cracker Barrel parking lot when I mentioned it was hard to let go of those who have gone on to be with the Lord.