
"La Cena" is Spanish for the Lord's Supper.
It was in Peru that I first had the opportunity to set out the grape juice and unleavened bread in preparation for the ordinance, and it was an honor. The church setting there was not unlike a first century church might have been.

(Note that the Bible clearly teaches that the juice and bread are not the actual blood and body of Christ, merely poignant reminders of His atoning sacrifice for us. John 6:53-63)

To "La Cena" - Your Table -
You beckon me to come;
So with a heart of holy awe
I heed Your gracious call.

 I come to gaze upon You, Lord,
Grand Host with outstretched arms;
I come to feast upon Your Word,
To know You more, Christ I adore.

I listen as You speak my name
And say, "This is for you."
You break the bread and pour the cup -
Pictures of Your life offered up.

You want me to "Remember You,"
And that I long to do,
For You have made my life complete
Through love endearing, strong and sweet.

 Redemption cost You everything -
Your very blood You gave -
As on the cross my sin You took,
My dark, vile soul to save.

And now the sunshine of Your light
Has changed my soul forever!
Hidden in the haven of Yourself,
Nothing can e'er us sever.

With gratitude I thus partake
Of bread and cup and You.
I kneel and bless the Lamb of God,
Whose mercies are each morning new.

No words can ever be enough
To praise as You deserve!
Though You the universe command,
You touch my life with nail-scarred hands.