A Clay Pot

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels,
that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.
II Corinthians 4:7

I'm just a clay pot, Lord; enable me now
To let Your light shine through my life, for how
I need Your strength hour by hour,
Your wisdom and love and unstoppable power!

Old habits and sin and ugly decay
Would hold me back throughout the day,
But I long to attain and I cannot forget
What You've called me to, so I press on yet.

It's worth the fight to do what's right,
So illumine my life with the glow of Your light.
That my family may see only Jesus in me,
In the details of days let Your Spirit work free.

Fill my thoughts and words with praises of You;
In actions and reactions please shine through.
Make kindness and cleanliness rules of the day,
As this clay pot You use to show others Your way.