Sometimes...All Times

This was written the spring after our first miscarriage, and my uncle's departure from this world to heaven, which happened on Christmas Eve and Christmas of 2013. I pray the poem will be a blessing to those who may be grieving or going through difficult times today. Jesus is faithful. Nahum 1:7

Sometimes You're silent, and I don't know why;
Sometimes are hard times, and I just want to cry.
Sometimes my questions seem never to end;
Sometimes I wonder if You're really my Friend.

Sometimes I wonder if I really know You;
Sometimes I wonder why You do what You do.
Sometimes the hurt and the worry just stay;
Sometimes I'm not sure the right words to pray.

Sometimes it seems like the days are all bad;
Sometimes it seems life will only be sad.
Sometimes I'm scared to simply trust You
When so many unknowns block the path's view.

But this I do know: You are greater than "fate,"
And I can trust You though the answers must wait.
My mind wants a reason, my heart wants a vision;
I must daily trust You in this valley of decision.

At all times You're good, Your Word firmly declares.
At all times You're with me; I can give You my cares.
At all times You're faithful, sure, and steadfast.
At all times You hold me through trial's fiery blast.

At all times Your thoughts and ways are the best.
At all times You know me, and offer Your rest.
At all times You promise eternity is long:
This life is so short; I can in You be strong.

At all times You call me to follow in faith,
Though my spirit still struggles this storm to accept.
At all times You give me the strength to obey,
If I choose to believe, beyond feelings, Your way.

I want to be real in devotion to You,
To deep in my soul believe You are true.
I want You to smile as I pass through this test.
"Sometimes" I feel, but at all times I'll confess:

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
(Hebrews 13:8)