Jesus, My Heavenly Bridegroom

Last week I posted a haiku poem celebrating the 10th anniversary of when Bill asked me to marry him. He has known and touched my soul as no other human being ever has, and I cannot craft words to describe how wonderful a man he is. The relationship of husband and wife is intended to mirror a Christian’s role as the bride of Christ with her Savior. Today’s poem was written in 2013, when we had a prophecy conference at church. Pastor Curtis Sayre preached a message on the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, and posed an interesting thought: take the traditional wedding vows and insert Christ as the groom. “I, Jesus, take thee, Sinner,…” We are the “for worse, for poorer, in sickness” part, and He is the “for better, for richer, in health” part. He will never die, and thus we are joined to Him forever! Should we not then “forsaking all else, cleave only unto Him?”

He loves me! He loves me! Can it really be true?
The God of magnificence Who sees all I do?
The Lord of creation and all history
Is really concerned with frail little me?
The One Who defines what “holy” must be
Would want to come close to a sinner like me?

But yes, it is true - His Word tells the story –
Of heaven’s Great Prince Who left splendor and glory.
He came to redeem me from my chosen enslavement;

He gave up His lifeblood to purchase atonement.
The Hero of Heaven died rescuing me,
And lives yet again so victoriously.

And when I was four He came into my life;
He knocked on my heart's door, and I opened it wide.

He's walked with me since that day of salvation;
He's working right now on my sanctification.
I mess up a lot, yet how faithful He stays!
He's never once left me on good or bad days.

His dear Holy Spirit is working to change me
Into flawless beauty for the Lamb Who so loves me.
And love me He does, for deep in my soul

He whispers His smile, and it makes my life whole.
And I know when the Father says it's just the right date
The Son will come for me with joy unabated.

Then I will leap up at the sound of His voice
To follow Him home - He who made me His choice.
And there for eternity with Jesus I'll be:
My King - Bridegroom - Savior to adore and to please!

So right now, while I wait for that wonderful day,
I'll watch, worship and work as His words I obey.