
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Runner's Baton

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” II Tim. 4:7 I’ve been entrusted with the Truth, A rare and precious gift, And it’s my job to pass it on As I run life’s race so swift. So many through the years I’ve known Have loved and lived for Him And it’s my turn, as they have shone, To never let His light grow dim. To stay the course consistently, To focus on the prize, To never stop, to faithful be Before all watching eyes.   My children see me every day; They must see Christ in me, If they’re likewise to Him obey When the baton transfers again shortly. There’s more to life than temporal things And pleasures we enjoy. We run for Jesus, King of Kings; His will is our employ. So run today I must, I will, With all that in me is! His strength will keep me running still  Through all my life, the  glory His.

To My Savior

“Bless the LORD, O my soul.” – Psalm 103 Holy Savior, Son of God, On this very Earth You trod, Stepped across the universe, Born to become one of us. Holy Savior, Son of Man, Living by the Father’s plan, Died to pay the price for sin So we could be born again. Holy Savior, I need You! Though I’ve received life anew, Still I often fail to be All that I know honors Thee. Holy Savior, Gracious Friend, God Who loves me without end, Make my life a fragrance sweet As I worship at Your feet. Holy Savior, Heaven’s King, There one day Your praise I’ll sing, And until then here do the same As I seek to live Your Name.