So Shine

Matthew 5:16 – “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works,
and glorify your Father Which is in heaven.”

“Let your light so shine,
Glorifying your Father.”
This was Your command
To disciples at hand.

Well, I’ve taken the plunge
To shine publicly,
But I pray that I’ll always
Serve with purity.

Competition and pride
Would Your awesomeness hide,
So keep them far from me;
May I look only to Thee.

If I start to slip
Without even knowing,
I beg You to show me

Please touch other lives,
Both near and worldwide,
With the greatness of You
Through all that I do.

Your glory’s my goal,
Your love’s my sweet song,
That others may join
Redemption’s glad throng.

And I’ll bow the knee
Of my heart unto Thee,
As Your humble handmaid,
My life at Your cross laid.