
“He made the stars also…” (Gen. 1:16)

Every now and then at close of day
I step outside for a change of pace,
To feel the night’s cool breeze and see
The starry sky looking down at me.

The coolness of night with its gift of repose
Mirrors serenity nothing else knows,
Except for the fellowship that we share:
My Lord and I, He’s beyond compare.  

Pin pricks of starlight so far away
Make me think of another day,
And what it was like when the God Who made them
Walked upon earth as the Incarnate Man.

In the Gospels we’re told that He’d rise up and pray
Before the hustle and bustle of day.
As He sat on the hillside in the quiet dark night,
He must have looked up at stars silent and bright.

Did they remind Him of when at command of His Word
He flung them in space as Creation’s Lord?
Did He think all the more of His Father and home,
That He missed while on earth for us He did roam?

Did they remind Him of us, the children He’d buy
Through His death, that we’d shine as those lights in the sky?
Is it possible then, that the thought of His own
Would encourage His heart as He sat there alone?

Oh, I hope so, for Jesus has done much for me;
I want Him to smile when He thinks of me!
Lord, help me to shine like a little star bright,
Your light to bear through the darkness of night.