Your Favor

“…in His favour is life:…” (KJV)
“…His favor is for a lifetime…” (NASB)
Psalm 30:5

Your favor to me, Lord,
Is life unto my soul,
And when I read Your Word,
Its balm does make me whole.

Like spring rain does to seedlings,
It nourishes parched ground.
Above my thoughts and feelings
Your grace is always found.

Like mother comforts child,
You still my frantic cries,
For when the storm grows wild,
Your smile its pow’r defies.

Like fresh-baked bread to weary man,
You are my satisfaction.
All gifts flow from Your outstretched hand,
My King of All Creation.

The great juxtaposition
Of Shepherd’s care for lamb
Is beautiful compassion
That flows from the “I AM.”

I breathe Your love as rare perfume;
It fills me to the core.
Then as my love in turn does bloom,
I want You all the more.

Though You I never could deserve,
Yet still You call my name,
And give Yourself without reserve;
Oh, that to You I’d do the same!

Your favor never fades,
But is each morning new.
Sweet strength my day pervades
When I’ve started it with You.

Alone or in a crowded place
Your Spirit whispers in my ear,
And all the world cannot replace
The joy You bring by being near.

Your smiles, grace, and favor:
Rich treasures to be mined.
For this day and forever,
Thank You for all I find!