John 6 - It Is I

John 6:20 – “ But He [Jesus] saith to them, “It is I; be not afraid.”

“It is I,” our Savior said
To men so full of dread;
At His “Be not afraid,”
Their doubts were all assuaged.

“It is I,” He whispers yet
When our hearts today would fret;
And there’s no storm can ever
His presence from us sever.

“Be of good cheer,” He smiles*
When we’re cornered by life’s trials,
And somehow in our souls we know
He’ll see us through; our faith does grow.

I thank You then, my Jesus!
Your words bring peace and steadiness.
You’re with me every day and night.
I trust You with all that brings fright.

And since You love me, love me so,
May I to You a smile show.
We’re in this storm together, Lord,
And I rejoice in Your good Word.

*See Mark 6:50